Asset Hierarchy Configuration
The Asset Hierarchy Configuration tool allows you to specify the classifications which represent levels in the Asset List. For example, if the first level of the Asset List represented buildings, then you could specify the Building classification as level 1. This would then allow you to sort and group assets by building when using the report writer. The first two or three classifications listed are often used as default groupings on many asset reports.
Specify the asset classifications that should be available for report grouping and sorting:
Select Tools > Asset > Asset Hierarchy Configuration from the Main Menu.
The Asset Hierarchy Configuration window opens, and the classifications currently configured for report groupings appear in the Selected field.
Add a classification to the Selected field:
Locate the classification you want to add in the Available field.
Choose between two options:
Double-click the row.
Select the classification and click Move
The classification moves to the Selected field.
Remove a classification from the Selected field:
Locate the classification you want to remove in the Selected field.
Choose between two options:
Double-click the row.
Select the classification and click Remove
The classification moves to the Available field.
Change the order of the classifications in the Selected field:
Select the classification you want to move.
Use the up / down arrows to the right of the list to move the item.
The first three classifications listed will be used as default groupings on some reports.
Click Save.
When the configuration of report groups is complete, a confirmation dialog box appears.
Click Close.
The dialog box closes.